
Showing posts from December, 2017


Quorum Depending on the organization and the provision it adopts in this regard, the number of members constituting a quorum may very.  Rules  In a mass meeting, the quorum is simply the number of persons present at the same time, since they constitute the entire membership at that time.  In organizations such as many churches or some societies in which there are no required or effective annual dues and the register of members is not generally reliable as a list of bona-fide members, the quorum at any regular or properly called meeting consists of those who attend.  in a body of delegates, such as a convention, the quorum is a majority of the number who have been registered as attending, irrespective of weather some may of departed. this may differ greatly from the nukber ekected or appointed.  In any other deliberative assembly with enrolled membership whose bylawsy do  not specify a quorum, the quorum is a majority of all members.  ...


Recess A recess is a short intermission in the assembly proceedings, commonly only for a few minutes, which does not close the meeting and after which business will immediately be resumed at exactly the point where it was interrupted.  Descriptive Characteristics  Takes precedence over the main motion, over all subsidiary motions except those to adjourn and fix the time to adjourn Is not applied to any motion. motions to Amend can be applied to it. The previous Question can also be applied to it to prevent amendment being moved, although this situation rarely arises in ordinary societies. no other subsidiary motions can be added to it. Is out of order when another has the floor must be seconded  Is not debatable  Is amendable to the length of the recess; any such amendment is undebateable. Requires a majority vote.  Cannot be reconsidered. 

Types of Voting

Types of voting   Majority Vote The basic requirement for approval of an action or choice by a deliberative assembly, except where a rule Provides otherwise, is a majority vote .   When the term Majority vote is used without qualification it means more than half of the votes cast by persons entitled vote, excluding blanks or abstentions at a regular or properly called meeting.   Two-Thirds Vote minimum of two-thirds of the votes cast by persons entitled to vote, excluding blanks or abstentions, at the regular or properly called meeting. Two-thirds vote is required to adopt any motion that: Suspends or modifies a rule of order previously adopted. Prevents the introduction of a question for consideration.  closes, limits, or extends the limits of debate.  Closes nominations or the polls, or otherwise limits the freedom of nominating or voting. takes away membership.