Types of Voting

Types of voting 

  • Majority Vote
    • The basic requirement for approval of an action or choice by a deliberative assembly, except where a rule Provides otherwise, is a majority vote. 
    • When the term Majority vote is used without qualification it means more than half of the votes cast by persons entitled vote, excluding blanks or abstentions at a regular or properly called meeting. 

  • Two-Thirds Vote
    • minimum of two-thirds of the votes cast by persons entitled to vote, excluding blanks or abstentions, at the regular or properly called meeting.
    • Two-thirds vote is required to adopt any motion that:
      • Suspends or modifies a rule of order previously adopted.
      • Prevents the introduction of a question for consideration.
      •  closes, limits, or extends the limits of debate. 
      • Closes nominations or the polls, or otherwise limits the freedom of nominating or voting.
      • takes away membership.


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